After many years of conducting standard group training, we have recognized the need of working with teams at the meta-competence level. The method is based on the development of general dispositions, and through them individual competences. Personal Innovation is an example of meta-competence understood as mental and emotional agility that gives the ability to use available resources in creative way.
From an organizational perspective, innovations can relate to the current company processes and products, the work space arrangements, the management of procedures and relationships between people. Personal Innovation from individual perspective seems to be a condition not only for development, but also for survival in modern, changing world. It helps to overcome the habits of stereotypical thinking and acting, cope with change, pressure, frustration, ambiguity of information and situations.
In addition to Personal Innovation, the goal of the projects is to support Self-reliance and Involvement the teamwork. We encourage our clients to take responsibility for the work environment and professional relations.
We want to provide the company with Promoters of the good practices, developed during the training. Team members, who may have an informal influence in the teams, undertake diverse initiatives, support and coordinate actions, which are the follow up of the delivered programs, e.g. to restore trust in cooperation after a crisis resulting from a conflict between employees.
We teach the managers to Ask Questions in the task evaluation daily operational work, to provoke independent thinking and proactive doing.
The project usually consists of several stages stretched over 3 months. Interval training gives the opportunity to plan and verify the implementation of Action Plans (APs)
Stage I – preparation
- Consultation with project participants to identify development elements. The result is also the development of an organizational climate survey and KPI (key performance indicators) set.
- Online survey to examine the organizational climate.
- Determining KPIs and the measures of project success along with the initial measurement.
Stage II – workshop work
- A two-day workshop. During the workshop, the results of internal interviews, online research are presented, and an Action Plan is developed by each participant.
Stage III
- Teleconference – 2 hours. The main purpose of the teleconference implemented in the form of a webinar is to review the status of Action Plans implementation. Preliminary candidates for the Promoters Project are selected during the conference.
Stage IV
- One-day workshop covers the specific issues and is dedicated to a final conclusion
Stage V
- One-day workshop for the Promoters
- Mentoring for the Promoters
Stage VI
- KPI measurement and online survey